Welsh Language Standards

The National Lottery Community Fund is committed to providing a bilingual service to the public in Wales. The National Lottery Community Fund is committed to providing a bilingual service to the public in Wales. In the last 10 years (December 2014 - November 2024), we have awarded almost £4 million to organisations in Wales that promote the use of Welsh in communities. In the same period, we committed £32.8m to projects in Wales who worked primarily with Welsh-language beneficiaries.

We actively promote the use of the language and encourage non-Welsh speakers to learn Welsh. We also have an enquiries line staffed by bilingual speakers, all guidance and application materials are available bilingually and Welsh speaking staff assess and manage grants for groups whose preference is to communicate in the language.

Since the 25th January 2017, The National Lottery Community Fund are pleased to be working in partnership with the Welsh Language Commissioner on implementing our Welsh Language Standards. A full list of all the Standards that are relevant to The National Lottery Community Fund can be seen in our Final Compliance Notice (PDF, 337KB). Read an overview of what the Welsh Language standards mean to us (PDF, 667KB) and how we comply with them.

How we supervise, promote and facilitate our compliance with the Welsh Language Standards (PDF, 1.2MB)

In 2011 the Welsh Language Measure came into power which established the principles that in Wales, the Welsh Language should be treated no less favourably than English, and that people in Wales should be able to live their lives through the medium of the Welsh language if they chose to do so. Under the Welsh Language Measure 2011, all public bodies in Wales and organisations that receive funding from public bodies in Wales, including funding from The National Lottery Community Fund, must meet the Fund’s grant requirements in providing a bilingual service to the public in Wales. For further information on the Welsh Language within our grants please read our Welsh Language in grants policy (PDF, 195KB).

If you are looking for funding from The National Lottery Community Fund you will need to consider the Welsh language as you consult and develop the idea of your project with your community. It’s important that you think of how you’re going to deliver your project bilingually before you submit your application for funding as you’ll need to include any associated costs within your project budget. Find out more on how to managing your project bilingually (PDF, 132KB).

We encourage projects to complete a bilingual project guide specifying how you intend to carry out your project bilingually. This will help us when assessing your application but can also be a useful document for those managing the project, and for your service users to see which services you have available through the medium of Welsh. Find out more about what details to include in a bilingual project guide (PDF, 3MB)

Read our latest annual report (PDF, 1MB) on how we’ve continued to meet our Welsh Language Standards.

For further information on The National Lottery Community Fund’s bilingual procedures, please contact our Welsh Language Team on welshlanguage.advice@tnlcommunityfund.org.uk

If you are not satisfied with our service

The National Lottery Community Fund is a truly bilingually organisation and we are proud to be able to provide a full service to our customers in both Welsh and English, but sometimes things don’t go according to plan. If you’d like to discuss the service you’ve received in either Welsh or English, please feel free to contact us at welshlanguage.advice@tnlcommunityfund.org.uk or if you feel you need to make a complaint about our service, read our Complaints Document (PDF, 254KB).