Checks we’ll carry out on your information
As an organisation that gives out public funds, we carry out some checks on the information you provide us. This is to make sure that the information is correct and there are no significant risks we can identify when awarding grants.
We have produced two guides to help you understand our checks in more detail. If you read these before you apply, or if you have a grant from us when your details change, we are less likely to identify any issues.
Guide to our checks on your information
The Guide to our checks on your information (PDF 186KB) document explains:
- the key areas you need to make sure are accurate
- why we may have concerns about your previous history with us
- and what you can expect if we identify any issues on these areas.
Guide to risk analysis
The Guide to risk analysis (PDF 177KB) covers areas such as the identity checks that we conduct, fraud risks and the limitations we may have in providing you with feedback on these.