Grant Holder Support - questions in the expression of interest form

What we'll ask in your expression of interest form

Here are all the questions we ask in the expression of interest form for Grant Holder Support. The guidance gives you more details about what you will need to tell us in your answers.

What information you need to tell us

  • What you'd like to do: Tell us the name of your proposal and what you'd like to do.
  • Location of your project: Tell us where your project will take place.
  • How much money you need: If you don't know exact amounts, estimates are fine.
  • About your organisation: We need to know your organisation's name, what type of organisation it is, and its main address.
  • Your contact details:  We're looking for your name, email address and telephone so we can get in touch to talk about your idea. And any communication needs you have. We also need the same details for a senior contact in your organisation.
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) information: the information in this section is only to find out if we’re reaching all the people we’re trying to. We will not use your answers to decide if we award you funding. This information will help us to provide a better experience for you and for all our other communities now and in the future, so please complete it if you can.

Data protection and privacy notice: You can find out more about how we use the personal data you give us here.

Checks we carry out: As an organisation that gives out public funds, we carry out some checks on the information you give to us. Read about the checks we carry out.

Safeguarding: Our safeguarding expectations for applicants and grant holders sets out expectations for all our grant holders in the UK and overseas.

Your proposal

Questions about your project
Question Guidance
What is the name of your proposal? The proposal name should be simple and to the point

Tell us about your experience or understanding of supporting community organisations to be more resilient

This could be experience you have from directly supporting community organisations. Or it could be knowledge and understanding of their support needs that you’ve built up in other ways.

You could include:

  • how you’ve built up your knowledge and understanding
  • if you’ve planned or run activities to support community organisations before.

You can write between 50 and 500 words for this question.

Tell us about your experience of working with others to develop new activities

This could include:

  • when you’ve worked with or led partners on shared projects
  • examples of your work that have brought together lived experience, lived expertise and professional experience
  • how you’ve used co-design to learn from others and made things better.
You can write between 50 and 500 words for this question.

Tell us about the range of partners you would like to bring into this partnership

This should include:

  • the expertise and perspective they bring
  • your existing working relationship with them
  • how you’ll bring in partner organisations that are newer. Or not mainstream. For example, organisations that work with marginalised community groups.
You can write between 50 and 500 words for this question.

Give us some examples of how your previous work aligns with our strategy

The missions in our strategy, It Starts with Community, are to support communities to:

  • come together
  • be environmentally sustainable
  • help children and young people thrive
  • enable people to live healthier lives.

We are committed to developing an equity based approach to tackling inequality.

By equitable we mean recognising that not every community starts with the same resources, and supporting those that need it most.

You should also tell us how you take an equity-based approach. And how you support people, places and communities who experience the most poverty, disadvantage and discrimination.

You can write between 50 and 500 words for this question.

Partnership working
  • Yes, if successful we are committed to working in partnership through the development stage.
  • No, we are ONLY looking for funding for our project and do not want to take part in the partnership.
We’re looking for a lead partner to work with us in the development stage of the Grant Holder Support. Alongside project delivery, we want to learn with the partners to inform them about the programme's future.
If you become the lead partner, we’ll all work together and share ideas and learning. This will mean joining group activities, visiting others, or inviting them to visit you.

The lead partners will form a group to learn and develop what works. They’ll look at barriers and opportunities and how to best deliver future activities.

This stage might not suit everyone. Please confirm you are happy to engage with this shared learning activity.
Where will your work take place?
  • pick an English local authority area

If your work covers more than one area please tell us where most of it will take place.

What is the postcode of where your proposal will take place?

If your proposal will take place across different locations, please use the postcode of the building or address where most of the project will take place. You must provide the full postcode.

If you do not know the postcode, you can use the Royal Mail Postcode Finder to try and find it.

How much money do you want from us?

We understand that your costs can change. We just need some estimates at this stage. We may ask for a more detailed budget at a later stage.

Your organisation

We need some information about your organisation so we can carry out required checks and to make the process faster at later stages. As an organisation that gives out public funds, we carry out some checks on the information you provide us. This is to make sure that the information is correct and there are no significant risks we can identify when awarding grants. You can find out more about the checks on our website which explains:

  • the key areas you need to make sure are accurate
  • why we may have concerns about your previous history with us
  • and what you can expect if we identify any issues on these areas.
Questions about your organisation
Question Guidance
What is the full legal name of your organisation? This must be as shown on your governing document. Your governing document could be called one of several things, depending on the type of organisation you're applying on behalf of. It may be called a constitution, trust deed, memorandum and articles of association, or something else entirely.

You might find it on a registration website - for example, Companies House or a Charities Register.
Does your organisation use a different name in your day-to-day work?
  • Yes
  • No
This is how you might be known if you're not just known by your legal name (the legal name is on your governing document or registration website).
If yes, what is the name your organisation uses in your day-to-day work? This is how you might be known if you're not just known by your legal name
What is your organisation's address? Please provide the full address, including postcode.
When was your organisation set up?
  • Day, Month, Year
This is the date your organisation took on its current legal status. It should be on your governing document. If you do not know the exact date or month, it can be an approximate date.
What type of organisation are you?
  • pick one of the eligible organisation types listed.
If you're both a charity and a company - just pick ‘Not-for-profit company’ below.

  • Unregistered voluntary or community organisation - An organisation set up with a governing document - like a constitution. But is not a registered charity or company.
  • Not-for-profit company - A company limited by guarantee - registered with Companies House. And might also be registered as a charity
  • Registered charity (unincorporated) - A voluntary or community organisation that's a registered charity. But is not a company registered with Companies House.
  • Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO or SCIO) - A registered charity with limited liability. But is not a company registered with Companies House.
  • Community Interest Company (CIC) - A company registered with Companies House. And the Community Interest Company (CIC) Regulator.
Tell us your registration number
  • Charity registration number
  • Companies House number
  • Unregistered (we do not have any registration numbers)
This could be either a Charity registration number or Companies House number
or Department for Education number.

You only need to provide the registration number relevant to your organisation type.

Main contact details

You need to give us the contact details of a person we can get in touch with if we have any questions. The main contact is usually the person filling in the form, so it's probably you. The main contact needs to:

  • be at least 18 years old
  • live in the UK
  • be from the organisation applying - they don't need to hold a particular position
  • agree to have an identity check carried out on their information (this is different from a credit check and won’t affect your credit score). Find out more about the checks we carry out on your information on our website.

The main contact must be a different person from the senior contact. The two contacts also cannot be:

  • married to each other
  • in a civil partnership with each other
  • in a long-term relationship with each other
  • related through a long term partner
  • living together at the same address
  • related by blood.
Questions about your main contact
Question Guidance
Tell us the name of your main contact
  • First name and last name only
We need the first and last name your main contact is legally known by. Do not include middle names.
What is the main contact's date of birth
  • Day, month, year.

We need their date of birth to do an identity check. If it's entered incorrectly, it could delay your application.

Tell us the main contact's home address Please include a postcode.
Have they lived at their home address for the last three years?
  • Yes
  • No
If no, what was the main contact's previous address?Please include a postcode.
What is the main contact's email address? We’ll use this if we need to get in touch with the main contact about the project.
What is the main contact's telephone number? We’ll use this if we need to get in touch with the main contact about the project.
Does the main contact have any additional communication needs? For example, if they need information in a specific language or format

Senior contact details

We need contact details of a senior member of your organisation in order to carry out required checks. You need to give us the contact details of a senior member of your organisation. Your senior contact must be:

  • at least 18 years old
  • living in the UK
  • legally responsible for ensuring that this application is supported by the organisation applying
  • responsible for ensuring the funding is used as described in the application form
  • the person that ensures the funded organisation meets our monitoring requirements
  • aware that they’ll need to have an identity check (this is different from a credit check and won’t affect their credit score). Find out more about the checks we carry out on your information on our website.
Questions about your senior contact
Question Guidance
Full name of senior contact
  • First name and last name only
We need the first and last name your senior contact is legally known by.

Do not include middle names.
What is the role of the senior contact?

We can only accept senior contacts with specific roles, depending on your organisation type. Please see the list below for guidance.

Unregistered voluntary organisation:

  • Chair
  • Vice-Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer


  • Company Director
  • Company Secretary

Registered Charity:

  • Trustee

Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO or SCIO)

  • Trustee
  • Chief Executive Officer

Community Interest Company (CIC)

  • Company Director
  • Company Secretary

Registered Charity and Not-for-profit Company

  • Company Director
  • Company Secretary

Date of birth of senior contact
  • Day, month, year

Home address of senior contact Please include a postcode.
Have they lived at their home address for the last three years?
  • Yes
  • No
If no, what was the senior contact's previous address?Please include a postcode.
What is the senior contact's email address? We’ll use this if we need to get in touch with the senior contact about the project.
What is the senior contact's telephone number? We’ll use this if we need to get in touch with the senior contact about the project.
Does the senior contact have any additional communication needs?

For example, if they need information in a specific language or format

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) monitoring information

What is Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)?

You may have heard of ‘EDI’ before as meaning ‘equality, diversity and inclusion’. We believe ‘equity’ is better. We know people have different starting points and we want to tailor our funding to avoid any ‘disparity’ - that is, any lack of fairness.

‘Equality’ is about treating people in the same way. But ‘equity’ is about fairness. If we treat everyone in the same way, funding programmes will not reach people in an equal or fair way.

‘Diversity’ is about including various aspects of the differences between people. These differences include:

  • race and ethnicity
  • faith
  • sexual orientation
  • disability
  • age
  • gender.

‘Inclusion’ is about helping people feel valued. It’s also about making sure they can take part in decision-making processes.

Why we're asking these questions

We want to get better at equity, diversity and inclusion. Our aim is to help create an open culture, where all opinions are considered. This includes the opinions of the communities we’re trying to reach. This will make our communities and our society stronger.

We need to find out who you’re trying to help so we can understand who our funding reaches. It’ll help us to meet our Equalities Mission and shape our funding to be fairer.

How we'll use your information

The information in this section is only to find out if we’re reaching all the people we’re trying to. We will not use your answers to decide if we award you a grant.
We may use these answers in information we publish about grants awarded, including on other websites like '360 Giving'.

This information will help us to provide a better experience for you and for all our other communities now and in the future, so please complete it if you can.

Information about the people and communities you support

Questions we'll ask about Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Is your project aimed at a specific group of people or is it open to everyone?

  • My project is aimed at a specific group of people
  • My project is open to everyone

If at least 75% of the people you support share characteristics, then your project is for a specific group.

Your specific group may share one or more characteristics. For example, if 80% of the people you work with are female refugees, this means you support a specific group of people. In this example, they share two characteristics — women and refugees.

We know this can only be an estimate. It’d be too difficult to work out exactly, especially if this is a new project.

Who is your project for?

Choose yes or no for each group listed. If you select yes, we will ask you to tell us more about that group in the following questions.

The next section is about who your project is for.

If 75% or more of the people supported or benefitting from your project come from one specific group, tell us who they are.

  • Communities experiencing ethnic or racial inequity, discrimination or inequality: Examples include: Black, Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups, Asian, Roma, Jewish, Arab
  • Faith communities: Examples include: Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish
  • People who emigrate: Examples include: people seeking asylum, people with refugee status, people with irregular and undocumented status
  • Disabled people: Examples include: having physical difficulties, mental health conditions, cognitive difficulties, neurodiversity, sensory impairments, chronic health conditions
  • Older people (65 and over)
  • Younger people (under 25)
  • Women and girls
  • LGBTQ+ people: Examples include: bisexual men, lesbian/gay women, trans women
  • People who are educationally or economically disadvantaged: Examples include: people from a low-income and/or educationally disadvantaged background which might have a long-term impact on their life, and/or people experiencing financial difficulties just now
  • Specific groups that are not included already: Examples include: care experienced young people, carers, people recovering from alcohol addiction, sex workers, people whose first language is not English or Welsh, people who have problems reading, men and boys

If you told us your project is for communities experiencing ethnic or racial inequity, discrimination or inequality:

Which community is your project for?

Select one category, if possible

Black/African/Caribbean/Black British

  • Black British
  • African
  • Caribbean
  • Any other Black/African/Caribbean background

Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups

  • White and Black Caribbean/African
  • White and Asian
  • Any other mixed/multiple ethnic background

Asian / Asian British

  • Asian British
  • Indian
  • Pakistani
  • Bangladeshi
  • Chinese
  • Any other Asian background

Other group experiencing ethnic or racial inequity

  • Arab
  • Jewish
  • Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities
  • Any other ethnic group

If you told us your project is for faith communities:

Which faith community is your project for?

Select one category, if possible

  • Catholic
  • Protestant
  • Other Christian denominations
  • Buddhist
  • Hindu
  • Jewish
  • Muslim
  • Sikh
  • Atheist
  • Agnostic
  • Other faiths and beliefs

If you told us your project is for people who emigrate:

Which group of people who emigrate is your project for?

Select one category, if possible

  • People seeking asylum
  • People with refugee status
  • People with irregular and undocumented status
  • Other people who emigrate

If you told us your project is for disabled people:

Which group of disabled people is your project for?

Select one category, if possible

  • Mental health
  • Long-standing illness or health condition - Examples include: cancer, HIV, diabetes, chronic heart disease, epilepsy, or other rare conditions
  • Mobility impairments - Examples include: difficulty using your arms, or mobility issues which require you to use a wheelchair or crutches
  • Visual impairment/partial sight/sight loss
  • Deaf/hard of hearing/hearing loss
  • Speech impairment
  • Multiple physical impairment
  • Learning disability - Examples include: a reduced intellectual ability and difficulty with everyday activities which affects someone for their whole life, such as Down’s Syndrome
  • Learning difficulty - Examples include: dyslexia
  • Neurodiverse - Examples include: Cognitive difference such as autistic spectrum disorder where individuals are impacted by the social environment
  • Other type of disability or impairment.

If you told us your project is for younger people:

Which age group is your project for?

Select one category, if possible

  • 19-25
  • 16-18
  • 8-15
  • 2-7
  • Under 2 years of age

If you told us your project is for LGBTQ+ people:

Which LGBTQ+ community is your project for?

Select one category, if possible

  • Bisexual men
  • Bisexual women
  • Gay men
  • Lesbian/gay women
  • Trans men
  • Trans women
  • Non-binary people
  • LGBTQ+ people I'd describe in another way - Examples: other LGBTQ+ people, including queer and intersex people.

If you told us your project is for specific groups that are not included already:

Which specific group is your project for?

  • type an answer.

Examples include: men and boys, care experienced young people, carers, people recovering from alcohol addiction, sex work‐ ers, people whose first language is not English, people who have problems reading.

Any other groups: Is there any additional EDI information you would like to include about the people your project supports?

You can use this section to tell us about anything not already covered in the previous sections

Information about the leadership of your organisation

We’d like to understand more about your leadership team. These questions are optional but they do help us understand more about the organisations that apply for funding. They’ll also help us develop our future processes and strategy.

The information you give us in this section will not influence our funding decision.

Questions we'll ask about Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and the leadership of your organisation
Do most of your leadership team self-identify as belonging to a specific group of people?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Prefer not to say
  • Yes - at least 75% of your board of trustees or management committee share one or more characteristics,and 50% or more of senior staff share one or more characteristics.
  • No - Most of the people who lead or make the key decisions in my organisation do not belong to one specificgroup
  • Prefer not to say - We understand that this could be an awkward question to answer, so you can choose not to say.

If you answered yes:
Please tell us which specific group your leadership team belongs to

Choose yes or no for each group listed. If you select yes, we will ask you to tell us more about that group in the following questions.

  • Communities experiencing ethnic or racial inequity, discrimination or inequality: Examples include: Black, Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups, Asian, Roma, Jewish, Arab
  • Faith communities: Examples include: Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish
  • People who emigrate: Examples include: people seeking asylum, people with refugee status, people with irregular and undocumented status
  • Disabled people: Examples include: having physical difficulties, mental health conditions, cognitive difficulties, neurodiversity, sensory impairments, chronic health conditions
  • Older people (65 and over)
  • Younger people (under 25)
  • Women and girls
  • LGBTQ+ people: Examples include: bisexual men, lesbian/gay women, trans women
  • People who are educationally or economically disadvantaged: Examples include: people from a low-income and/or educationally disadvantaged background which might have a long-term impact on their life, and/or people experiencing financial difficulties just now
  • Specific groups that are not included already: Examples include: care experienced young people, carers, people recovering from alcohol addiction, sex workers, people whose first language is not English or Welsh, people who have problems reading, men and boys.

If you said communities experiencing ethnic or racial inequity, discrimination or inequality:

Which community is your leadership team part of?

Select one category, if possible

Black/African/Caribbean/Black British

  • Black British
  • African
  • Caribbean
  • Any other Black/African/Caribbean background

Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups

  • White and Black Caribbean/African
  • White and Asian
  • Any other mixed/multiple ethnic background

Asian / Asian British

  • Asian British
  • Indian
  • Pakistani
  • Bangladeshi
  • Chinese
  • Any other Asian background

Other group experiencing ethnic or racial inequity

  • Arab
  • Jewish
  • Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities
  • Any other ethnic group

If you said faith community:

Which faith community is your leadership team part of?

Select one category, if possible

  • Catholic
  • Protestant
  • Other Christian denominations
  • Buddhist
  • Hindu
  • Jewish
  • Muslim
  • Sikh
  • Atheist
  • Agnostic
  • Other faiths and beliefs

If you said people who emigrate:

Which group of people who emigrate is your leadership team part of?

Select one category, if possible

  • People seeking asylum
  • People with refugee status
  • People with irregular and undocumented status
  • Other people who emigrate

If you said disabled people:

Which group of disabled people is your leadership team part of?

Select one category, if possible

  • Mental health
  • Long-standing illness or health condition - Examples include: cancer, HIV, diabetes, chronic heart disease, epilepsy, or other rare conditions
  • Mobility impairments - Examples include: difficulty using your arms, or mobility issues which require you to use a wheelchair or crutches
  • Visual impairment/partial sight/sight loss
  • Deaf/hard of hearing/hearing loss
  • Speech impairment
  • Multiple physical impairment
  • Learning disability - Examples include: a reduced intellectual ability and difficulty with everyday activities which affects someone for their whole life, such as Down’s Syndrome
  • Learning difficulty - Examples include: dyslexia
  • Neurodiverse - Examples include: Cognitive difference such as autistic spectrum disorder where individuals are impacted by the social environment
  • Other type of disability or impairment.

If you said younger people:

Which age group is your leadership team part of?

Select one category, if possible

  • 19-25
  • 16-18
  • 8-15
  • 2-7
  • Under 2 years of age

If you said LGBTQ+ people:

Which LGBTQ+ community is your leadership team part of?

Select one category, if possible

  • Bisexual men
  • Bisexual women
  • Gay men
  • Lesbian / gay women
  • Trans men
  • Trans women
  • Non-binary people
  • LGBTQ+ people I'd describe in another way - Examples: other LGBTQ+ people, including queer and intersex people.

If you told us your project is for specific groups that are not included already:

Which specific group (that you have not included already) is your leadership team part of?

Examples include: care experienced young people, carers, people recovering from alcohol addiction, sex workers, people whose first language is not English or Welsh, people who have problems reading.

Any other leadership groups: Is there any additional EDI information you would like to include about your leadership team?


You can use this section to tell us about anything not already covered in the previous sections