Leicester and Leicestershire
This LEP area will benefit from £14,100,000 of funding from Building Better Opportunities.
Moneywise Plus
Moneywise Plus is a project aimed at improving the digital and financial competence of 1400 people within Leicester and Leicestershire, in order to help them move towards employment, education or training. Support is available through outreach taster sessions, one-to-one advisor support, financial and digital courses and opportunities for volunteering/peer mentoring. Participants will improve their skills and confidence around managing their money, maximising their income, and using computers and the internet safely.
Getting Ready for Employment and Training Family Project
The GREAT project focusses on family inclusion, helping individuals with families to improve their employability. Participants receive one-to-one support, and have support with key employment skills, like CV writing and interviewing, work clubs offering support with job searching, and taster days and work experience in a range of industries. The project also supports participants in dealing with health related barriers to work, and managing their money. Courses are also available on a range of subjects, from vocational qualifications to confidence building.
Youth Employability Support (YES)
The Youth Employability Support (YES) project, supports the most disengaged young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEETs) to move towards and into employment, education or training.
Young people will have support to explore and work towards a range of careers, including support to create and implement a business plan, training in creative industries, or mentoring to move into education.
Brighter Futures
Support is based around the individual needs of each person, to identify and tackle their barriers to work in an integrated and holistic way. This includes supporting early action before problems become entrenched, and providing outreach activities to people who are disconnected from existing services.
This project has a particular focus on how progressing towards employment can provide greater opportunities to take part in society, interact with the community and access services.