
This LEP area covers the entirety of Greater London, and will receive £31,383,015 from Building Better Opportunities. Given the population of this area, multiple projects support each priority target group, operating in smaller regions with the area.

Find out more about London LEP

Women at the Centre

Women at the Centre supports black, Asian and minority ethnic women in Central London.

Create Your Future - The Links Partnership

Create Your Future supports black, Asian and minority ethnic women across North and East London boroughs. 1,300 women will benefit from training workshops to increase personal confidence and motivation, develop core skills and consider employment options.

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Raising Aspirations for Women (RAFW)

This project supports black, Asian and minority ethnic women in South London.

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SWEET - Support Women into Education, Employment & Training

SWEET operates in West London to help women from black, Asian and minority ethnic communities into employment, enterprise or training. Each participant receives support from a personal adviser to build their CV, find suitable job vacancies, and guidance on training. Help with childcare and work clothes is also available.

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ACE (Able, Capable, Employed)

ACE supports Londoners with disabilities and long term health conditions into employment. ACE will offer tailored one to one support and specialist advice across all London boroughs, matching individuals with, and preparing them for, suitable job opportunities. Continued in-work support will help individuals to settle into their new roles and thrive in their new workplaces. Employers can seek help to identify and adapt vacancies within their organisations and ensure that capable, prepared and well suited candidates succeed in these roles.

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Working for Carers

Working for Carers will help some of London’s 689,000 unpaid carers of sick or disabled family members or friends. Carers who are unemployed will be supported to job search, gain employment and retain jobs. The programme will also support those returning to work after caring has ceased. Over three years, the Working for Carers programme will support 1250 carers aged 25+ across London, providing individual support and action plans, one to one support, access to bespoke training programmes and sustainable peer support all aimed at increasing their self-esteem, skills and overall employability.

Read the project outline - North Read the project outline - South

IPS Works

IPS Works supports people with common mental health conditions in the Central boroughs of London. This project will trial the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model alongside psychological support. The aim is to improve employment outcomes and mental health and wellbeing simultaneously.

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Work Well

The Career Central Project supports people with common mental health conditions in West London. The project aims to increase take-up of Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) support. The project will provide motivational and vocational support, as well as helping individuals to understand and deal with their condition.

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Peer Support Employment Groups (PSEG)

This project supports people with mental health problems in West London. Mind’s Peer Support Employment Groups support people with common mental health problems, such as anxiety or depression, while they are looking for work. Peer support involves people with similar experiences supporting each other, and is proven to improve mental wellbeing and reduce social isolation.

Alongside peer support, participants also benefit from specialist employment advice and support. Six experienced Employment Advisors help clients identify their strengths and match them to suitable vacancies. The project also works with employers to increase mental health awareness.

The Project is operating in selected wards in the following boroughs: Brent, Barnet, Hillingdon, Hammersmith and Fulham, Ealing, Hounslow and Harrow.

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Aim4Work supports people with common mental health conditions in North, South and East London. Employment Advisors work with participants to understand what type of job suits them, their skills, and their experience. Advisors also support individuals to improve and maintain their health and wellbeing.

As well as generalised job search support, specific mental health support includes creating a positive Mental Health disclosure statement and guidance on identifying and requesting reasonable adjustments at work. The project can also help with the transition into work, and offers regular confidential reviews.

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RISE (Refugees into sustainable employment)

Rise supports refugees in the North and East of London to find sustainable, rewarding employment. English courses, wellbeing coaches and mentoring will help participants gain the skills to find fulfilling work, helping them to integrate and increasing confidence and overall wellbeing. The service has been developed in close collaboration with members of refugee communities, community organisations and local authorities, to tackle the most prevalent barriers to work.

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The 'Elevate' Project - giving hope & raising opportunities

The Elevate Project supports refugees in the Central boroughs of London. This project aims to provide employment focused activities that will result in sustainable job opportunities for refugees who have settled in Central London. This will be achieved through a package of personalised interventions, which will improve the economic prospects of unemployed refugees.

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Working West London

Working West London helps refugees in West London to gain employment and build their careers. Participants will be supported to recognise what they offer the labour market, plan a clear career path, and build the independence in order to navigate the UK job market. Corporate volunteers will help participants to understand the culture in various UK workplaces, and volunteering will provide participants with experience of work in the UK. Employers will receive training on refugee right-to-work and the benefits of diversity in business.

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Refugee Advice Information & Support into Employment (RAISE)

This project supports refugees in South London to address the complex barriers they face in seeking and obtaining employment.

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Tackling Multiple Disadvantage Project (TMD)

This project supports homeless people aged 25 and over who are experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage (SMD). Personalised coaching and mentoring will improve the skills, resilience and employment prospects of participants.

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Peer Circles

This peer support project helps severely disadvantaged people to overcome multiple barriers to training, volunteering and employment opportunities. Specially trained Peer Advisors, with first-hand experience of overcoming disadvantages, offer practical and emotional help to reduce social isolation, build skills and confidence, and work towards employment. The project is specifically aimed at people who are highly marginalised and need help to address multiple and complex issues. These could include homelessness, a history of offending, substance misuse issues and difficulties engaging with mainstream services.

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