Strengthening Communities

Strengthening Communities is our funding for community led projects. It will help us deliver our strategy, ‘It starts with community.’

We know that communities have many strengths and resources. We’ll fund projects that use these to help make people’s lives better.

Your project must:

  • involve people who experience poverty, disadvantage or discrimination
  • support people early to help prevent negative experiences
  • be led by your community and build on its strengths and connections.

See what we’re hoping to fund for details.

Your project must also achieve one of these outcomes:

  • Reduce health inequalities.
  • Improve people’s physical health, mental health or wellbeing.
  • People have positive relationships and connections.
  • Young people reach their potential and thrive as adults.
  • Children and young people develop good social and emotional skills.

It's okay for your project to achieve one outcome, or more. Meeting more than one outcome will not improve your chances of getting funding.

We offer funding from £20,001 to £500,000

  • Any size of organisation can apply for £200,000 to £500,000.
  • Only smaller organisations can apply for less than £200,000.

By smaller organisations we mean those with an annual income under £500,000. Based on your average income over the last 2 years.

Northern Ireland
Suitable for
Voluntary or community organisations
Funding size
£20,001 to £500,000 for up to 5 years. Only smaller organisations can apply for less than £200,000.
Application deadline



How to apply

1. Contact us for an informal conversation about your idea

We have staff based in your communities. They’ll use their local knowledge and experience to help you apply.

They’ll let you know if this funding could be right for you.

2. Then tell us about your idea online

Tell us about your idea online Continue your idea form online

You can see a list of all the questions in our form about your idea.

If it's difficult or impossible for you to complete an online form

You can contact us if you have any communication support needs. We’re happy to talk about other ways for you to tell us about your idea.

What happens after you tell us about your idea online

  1. We get in touch to talk about your idea within 30 working days. We’ll give you feedback and let you know if you should complete a full application.
  2. If we ask you to apply, we'll send you a link to your online application form (or an offline version if you need it). You must start your application form within 30 calendar days of getting this email.
  3. After you've started your application form, you'll have 60 calendar days to submit it.
  4. A funding officer will contact you to discuss your project and set up a face to face assessment visit.
    They’ll use the information they get to make a recommendation about whether to fund your project. Then our funding panel decides if we’ll offer you funding.
  5. We’ll tell you our decision within 4 months of getting your application.
    Your funding officer will let you know. If you get funding they’ll tell you what happens next. If you do not get funding, they’ll tell you why and give you feedback.
  6. If we give you funding.
    You can find out what happens next in our guide to managing your funding.

What information you need to apply

You can see a full list of questions from the main application form.

You’ll only need to answer these questions if we ask you to submit a full application.

We ask for the contact details, home addresses and dates of birth of 2 different people from your organisation. We need a different email address for each person

One person should be someone we can talk to if we have any questions about your project. The other should be a senior member of your organisation, who'll be legally responsible for the funding. Both need to live in the UK.

These 2 people cannot be related. Related can mean:

  • related by marriage
  • in a civil partnership with each other
  • in a long-term relationship with each other
  • related through a long term partner
  • living together at the same address
  • related by blood.

We ask for the legal name of your organisation. And its address. And what type of organisation it is

Check these details before applying. Also check any registration numbers if you have them – like a charity number or company number. It will slow down your application if these details are not right.

We do checks on the information you give us

As an organisation that gives out public funds, we carry out some checks on the information you give to us. Learn more about our checks.

See how we use the personal data you give us

By reading our data protection statement.