Sustainable Community Buildings - Questions in the Expression of Interest form

What we'll ask in your expression of interest form

Here are all the questions we ask in the application form for Sustainable Community Buildings. The guidance gives you more details about what you will need to tell us in your answers.

Your project

Questions about your project
Question Guidance
What is the name of your project? The project name should be simple and to the point
Where will your project take place?

If your project covers more than one area please tell us where most of it will take place.

Tell us all the locations the project will run inIn your own words, describe all of the locations that you’ll be running your project in. For example, ‘Armagh’ or ‘Belfast’ or ‘Kesh and Ederney’.
What is the postcode of where your project will take place?

If your project will take place across different locations, please use the postcode of the building or address where most of the project will take place. You must provide the full postcode.

If you do not know the postcode, you can use the Royal Mail Postcode Finder to try and find it.

Tell us what community activities your building is used for

For example, youth club, food bank, lunch club, advice clinic.

You can write up to 500 words for this section.

Tell us about any improvements you have already made to the environmental performance of your building

For example, added double glazing or insulation. We cannot offer you funding if you already have solar panels.

You can write up to 500 words for this section.

Tell us the roles of the two people connected to your organisation who are willing to take part in a carbon literacy training course

One of these roles must be a committee or board member. The other should be a staff member or an active volunteer.

You can write up to 100 words for this section.

Your organisation

Questions about your organisation
Question Guidance
What is the full legal name of your organisation? This must be as shown on your governing document. Your governing document could be called one of several things, depending on the type of organisation you're applying on behalf of. It may be called a constitution, trust deed, memorandum and articles of association, or something else entirely.

You might find it on a registration website - for example, Companies House or a Charities Register.
Does your organisation use a different name in your day-to-day work?
  • Yes
  • No
This is how you might be known if you're not just known by your legal name (the legal name is on your governing document or registration website).
If yes - What is the name your organisation uses in your day-to-day work? This is how you might be known if you're not just known by your legal name
What is the main or registered address of your organisation? Enter the postcode and search for the address, or enter it manually
When was your organisation set up?
  • Day, Month, Year
This is the date your organisation took on its current legal status. It should be on your governing document. If you do not know the exact date or month, it can be an approximate date.
What type of organisation are you?

If you're both a charity and a company - just pick ‘Not-for-profit company’.

  • Unregistered voluntary or community organisation:
    An organisation set up with a governing document - like a constitution. But isn't a registered charity or company.
  • Not-for-profit company
    A company limited by guarantee - registered with Companies House. And might also be registered as a charity.
  • Registered charity (unincorporated)
    A voluntary or community organisation that's a registered charity. But isn't a company registered with Companies House.
  • Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO or SCIO)
    A registered charity with limited liability. But isn't a company registered with Companies House.
  • Community Interest Company (CIC)
    A company registered with Companies House. And the Community Interest Company (CIC) Regulator.
What is your accounting year end date?
  • Day, month
For example: 31 03
What is your total income for the year? Use whole numbers only, like 12000.

Senior contact

Questions about your senior contact
Question Guidance
Senior contact

Please give us the contact details of a senior member of your organisation.

Your senior contact must be at least 18 years old and is legally responsible for ensuring that this application is supported by the organisation applying, any funding is delivered as set out in the application form, and that the funded organisation meets our monitoring requirements. Our identity checks may appear on a credit report, but it’s not a credit check and can only be seen by the person we’re checking, so their credit rating won’t be affected. Find out more about the checks we carry out on your information.

Senior contact: Role
  • Chair
  • Chancellor
  • Chief Executive
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Company Director
  • Company Secretary
  • Deputy Parish Clerk
  • Director
  • Elected Member
  • Head Teacher
  • Parish Clerk
  • Religious leader (eg. rabbi, imam, vicar)
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Trustee
  • Vice-chair
  • Vice-chancellor
Senior contact: Full name of senior contact
  • First name
  • Last name

This person has to live in the UK.

(This can't be a nickname—or a short version of their name. We need their full first name to check their identity. If you don't give us this, it could delay your proposal.)

Senior contact: Date of birth
  • Day, month, year

We need their date of birth to help confirm who they are. And we do check their date of birth. So make sure you've entered it right. If you don't, it could delay your application.

For example: 30 03 1980

Senior contact: Home address Have they lived at their home address for the last three years?
If not, we'll also need a previous home address
Senior contact: Email We’ll use this whenever we get in touch about the project
Senior contact: Telephone number -
Senior contact: Tell us about any particular communication needs this contact has, including what language we should use to contact them.

For example, if we should contact them in English or Welsh.

Main contact

Questions about your main contact
Question Guidance
Main contact

Please give us the contact details of a person we can get in touch with if we have any questions. The main contact is usually the person filling in the form—so it's probably you. The main contact needs to be from the organisation applying, but they don't need to hold a particular position. Our identity checks may appear on a credit report, but it’s not a credit check and can only be seen by the person we’re checking, so their credit rating won’t be affected. Find out more about the checks we carry out on your information.

The main contact must be a different person from the senior contact. The two contacts also can't be:

  • married to each other
  • in a civil partnership with each other
  • in a long-term relationship together
  • living at the same address
  • or related by blood.
Main contact: Full name of main contact
  • First name
  • Last name

This person has to live in the UK.

This can't be a nickname—or a short version of their name. We need their full first name to check their identity. If you don't give us this, it could delay your proposal.

Main contact: Date of birth

We need their date of birth to help confirm who they are. And we do check their date of birth. So make sure you've entered it right. If you don't, it could delay your application.

For example: 30 03 1980

Main contact: Home address Have they lived at their home address for the last three years?
If not, we'll also need a previous home address
Main contact: Email We’ll use this whenever we get in touch about the project
Main contact: Telephone number -
Main contact: Please tell us about any particular communication needs this contact has, including what language we should use to contact them. For example, if we should contact them in English or Welsh.

Supporting documents

The supporting documents we'll ask for

Upload a template showing how often your building is used

Use our template (opens in a new tab) to tell us about the number of people who use your building and its opening hours.

File must be a PDF, PNG or JPEG and less than 20MB.

Upload a copy of your latest financial accountsIf you do not have yearly accounts because you’re a new organisation (less than 15 months old), that’s okay. We can still look at your application. If your financial accounts are older than 10 months, you should upload draft accounts.

File must be a PDF, PNG or JPEG and less than 20MB.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) monitoring information

Questions we'll ask about Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Question Guidance
Is your project open to everyone or is it aimed at a specific group of people?
  • My project is aimed at a specific group of people
  • My project is open to everyone

If at least 75% of the people you support share characteristics, then your project is for a specific group.

Your specific group may share one or more characteristics. For example, if 80% of the people you work with are female refugees, this means you support a specific group of people. In this example, they share two characteristics — women and refugees.

We know this can only be an estimate. It’d be too difficult to work out exactly, especially if this is a new project.

If you select an option, we will ask you to tell us more about that group.

Who is your project for?
  • Communities experiencing ethnic or racial inequity, discrimination or inequality
  • Faith communities
  • People who emigrate
  • Disabled people
  • Older people (65 and over)
  • Younger people (under 25)
  • Women and girls
  • LGBTQ+ people
  • People who are educationally or economically disadvantaged
  • Specific groups that are not included already

If 75% or more of the people supported or benefitting from your project come from one specific group, tell us who they are.

If you select an option, we will ask you to tell us more about that group.

Do most of your leadership team self-identify as belonging to a specific group of people?
  • Communities experiencing ethnic or racial inequity, discrimination or inequality
  • Faith communities
  • People who emigrate
  • Disabled people
  • Older people (65 and over)
  • Younger people (under 25)
  • Women and girls
  • LGBTQ+ people
  • People who are educationally or economically disadvantaged
  • Specific groups that are not included already
  • No
  • Prefer not to say

Tell us what specific group they belong to if at least:

  • 75% of your board of trustees or management committee share one or more characteristics
  • and 50% or more of senior staff share one or more characteristics.

If you select an option, we will ask you to tell us more about that group.