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This pilot programme 2019 is now closed
We're no longer accepting applications to this programme. Following the pilot we launched the Leaders with Lived Experience 2020 programme and this is now also closed to applications.
Pilot programme 2019 (now closed)
You can apply if your organisation:
- Was set up by a lived experience leader and/or
- Is run by lived experience leaders and/or
- Has a leadership that reflects those you seek to support
And is also one of these:
- a voluntary or community organisation
- a registered charity
- a constituted group or club
- a not-for-profit company or community interest company
We cannot accept applications from:
- individuals
- sole traders
- companies that are aimed at generating profits primarily for private distribution
- organisations based outside the UK
- applications made by one organisation on behalf of another
- a school
- a statutory body (including town, parish and community councils).
If you don’t meet the application criteria, check for other funding programmes you might be eligible for.
What are we looking for in your application?
Your application must meet at least one of our three funding priorities
Our priorities are to:
- pilot and learn about different ways we can develop leaders with lived experience
- support work to change the way lived experience is viewed and valued in decision making
- encourage innovative examples of how to develop lived experience at all levels of an organisation
The types of proposals we might get include:
- leadership programmes or schemes related to developing leadership, such as mentoring, training or coaching
- ways to embed lived experience leadership within an organisation so that the organisation can become more sustainable, e.g. improving governance/decision making structures, succession planning, support packages for wellbeing
- challenging and championing meaningful ways to embed lived experience leadership in service design and delivery
- projects bringing lived experience expertise to a theme, location, service or sector where it is underrepresented
Your project or activity is led by people with lived experience
It’s important to us that all the organisations funded through this programme are led by lived experience leaders. We want people with lived experience to be at the forefront of the design, development and delivery of the activities they are planning.
For example, a lived experience leader could be:
- someone who has been homeless who is working to improve homelessness services
- a person with HIV who has set up and is running a peer-to-peer support service for other people with HIV
- a person who has lost a loved one to suicide sets up and runs a support group for others who have lost someone to suicide.
A lived experience leader would not be:
- a non-disabled person who has volunteered with disabled people, and wants to set up a disability charity
- a parent/carer of someone with HIV who has set up a support group for people with HIV
- a middle-class person who is running a working-class mentoring scheme.