The projects we fund
We fund projects that support people and communities across the UK to thrive.
We fund lots of different activities through a variety of funding programmes. You can find out more about applying below, including:
What makes a good application
We want to fund good ideas that do at least one of these three things:
- bring people together and build strong relationships in and across communities
- improve the places and spaces that matter to communities
- help more people to reach their potential, by supporting them at the earliest possible stage.
Depending on what funding programme you apply to, we might ask for some more information. For example, how your project fits in with other activities already taking place in your community.
Using Artificial Intelligence tools in funding applications
Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are becoming increasingly embedded in our lives. Tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, Copilot and Claude are changing the way people work by saving them time and improving accessibility. We understand that the communities we serve will be keen to find ways to use these tools in their own work.
Projects we've funded
Research the projects we've already funded to get a better idea if your project might qualify.
View our funded projects on the 360GrantNav website.
How much money we offer and for how long
We offer different amounts of funding, depending on what you want to do. You can apply for:
- funding under £20,000 - this is a way to get smaller amounts of funding and where we’re keen to fund smaller organisations.
- funding over £20,001
Usually, the more funding you apply for, the longer it takes for you to prepare your application (and for us to assess it). But you can get a better idea of how long it’s likely to take by looking at the different ways we offer funding - known as programmes.
How long can you have funding for?
If you’re awarded less than £20,001 of funding, you’ll have around 12 months to finish your project (from the date you tell us it will start).
Projects that cost more than £20,001 can generally run from one to five years (although this can vary depending on what programme you apply to).
What you can spend the money on
There are many different ways we offer funding (known as programmes). And what we can fund depends on the programme you apply to.
Generally, we can fund:
- capital costs (such as building and land improvements)
- staff costs
- running costs
- activities
- equipment
- other core costs needed to support the project.
Sometimes we also pay for funding to help you continue a successful project.
What costs we do not fund
We cannot fund:
- alcohol
- loans or interest payments
- religious activities
- profit-making or fundraising activities
- VAT you can reclaim
- statutory activities
- items or activities for individual benefit
- costs that were already paid for before you were awarded funding by us.
If you’re not sure whether we’d fund your project
Have a look at the the type of projects we’ve already funded. You can always contact us for advice too.