Million Hours Fund - reporting your progress
If you have Million Hours funding we'll ask you for progress reports
We'll ask for progress reports
We'll contact you when you’ve reached a progress reporting point for your Million Hours Fund grant. We'll ask you to tell us about how you are getting on with your grant and how you’ve spent the funding so far. We'll send you a form to tell us about the difference your work is making.
Your Funding Officer will contact you to remind you when your next progress report is due.
We'll usually ask you to complete and submit your answers within 4 weeks of receiving this form.
Make sure to keeping records about your project
As stated in your terms and conditions of this grant, you must keep accurate and comprehensive records about your project both during the project and for seven years afterwards. We can ask you to provide us with copies of those records and evidence of expenditure of the grant such as original paper or electronic receipts, invoices and bank statements.
The questions we'll ask in your progress report
Your organisation and project details
1. Please tell us your organisation name
2. Please give us your Project ID/Funding Request ID.
This can be found on your Grant Offer letter or any recent correspondence with us and should be 8 digits and be presented in a numerical format ie 20304050
3. Please tell us the name of your project
The difference your work has made so far
4. Tell us about the extra youth work hours you have delivered since the last reporting period. What activities did you provide and have you had any feedback on the provision?
You can also tell us about any other work you’ve done since the last reporting period, for example if you have been planning future activities. Also please tell us of any youth voice activities related to this funding that you would like to highlight or if there have been any changes to anti-social behaviour incidents related to this funding please note it here.
If this is your first progress report tell us about your work since starting your project.
5. Tell us about the extra youth work hours you have planned in the next reporting period, including any changes you need to make and why. This could include changes to your budget or delivery plans.
Key numbers
Please note – you should provide figures not text, for example ‘80’ not ‘eighty’.
6. Please tell us the number of additional hours of youth work you have delivered with this funding since your last reporting period
This is just the number of hours that young people are attending or engaging in the additional activities. We know there are staff work around these hours, but only record here the hours where young people are attending.
7. Please tell us the total number of additional hours of youth work you have delivered since the start of your grant.
This is just the number of hours that young people are attending or engaging in the additional activities. We know there is staff work around these hours, but only record here the hours where young people are attending.
8. Please tell us the total number of young people who attended the youth work activities delivered with this funding since your last reporting period.
This is the total number of young people who attended the sessions in total, so add up the number of young people who attended each session. If you have regular attendees they will be counted for every activity they attended e.g. if they attended Wednesday and Thursday night you would count them twice.
9. Please tell us the total number of young people who attended the youth work activities delivered with this funding since the start of your grant.
This is the total number of young people who attended the sessions in total, so add up the number of young people who attended each session. If you have regular attendees they will be counted for every activity they attended e.g. if they attended Wednesday and Thursday night you would count them twice.
10. How many of these young people were new to your service?
By ‘new’ we mean young people who are accessing your services for the first time through the Million Hours funded programme
You should only count these new young people once, so if they are new to your service in the period and then keep attending, just count them once.
11. If new young people attended your service, please let us know how and where the young people heard about your activities (this is just in general not for each young person)
12. The number of hours that staff have worked to deliver the additional youth work hours since your last reporting period
This should be the total number of staff hours in delivering these activities. You only need to include hours of staff working directly on the activities, do not include hours of support staff.
13. The number of hours that volunteers have worked to deliver the additional youth work hours since your last reporting period
This should be the total number of volunteer hours in delivering these activities. You only need to include hours of volunteers working directly on the activities.
14. Did you recruit any new staff to deliver this work in the reporting period? If yes, how many did you recruit? (please enter a number not words)
15. Did you recruit any new volunteers to deliver this work in the reporting period? If yes, how many did you recruit? (please enter a number not words)
Your project finances
Please note – you should provide figures with no formatting, for example ‘18000’ not ‘£18,000’
If you do not have a template you are using to monitor spend we can supply one - just ask your Fudning Officer. Please note your Funding Officer may follow up your answers below for further clarification where necessary.
16. How much of your grant have you spent since the start of your project?
This figure should be the same as any information you’ve shared with your funding officer.
(please enter a number, for example 20345 to represent £20,345)
17. How much do you forecast to spend to the end of your project?
(please enter a number, for example 1450 to represent £1,450)
18. Have you varied from your projected grant expenditure as per your budget this period? Detail which budget headings you moved funding from / to?
How much you have moved and the rationale for this?
19. Do you have a grant underspend to date? Yes/No
20. If Yes, how much is the grant underspend for? How did the underspend occur and do you have a plan to use this underspend (subject to agreement from your funding officer)?
Please complete and submit your answers within 4 weeks of receiving this form.
Your Funding Officer will contact you to remind you when your next progress report is due.