Leeds City Region
Leeds LEP incorporates York, West Yorkshire, and the Craven, Harrogate and Selby North areas of Yorkshire. The area will receive £9,518,330 of Building Better Opportunities investment.
Data from the Local Authorities within this region shows many families meet some of the national criteria for the Government’s Troubled Families programme, yet are not currently eligible for the programme. With these families as a key concern, three of the four projects in Leeds will focus on families with relevant issues, within three key geographical areas. The fourth project will support integration of the area’s growing migrant population.
Lee/2/1 - Stronger Families
This project will run in Bradford and Leeds, working with families at risk of anti-social behaviour problems, offending, or school exclusion, as these issues may create barriers to gaining and sustaining employment. This early intervention will take preventative measures, and early remedial treatment for families at risk, where suitable helping family members to move into further education, training, job seeking or employment.
Lee/2/2 - Hopeful Families
This project will run in Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield to help individuals and their families to overcome the challenges they face, get qualified and find work. Participants and their families will receive help to identify their aspirations, master digital technology, search for jobs and access training. Advice is offered on apprenticeships, self-employment, benefits and financial matters. The project will also support participants with personal development, daily life and medical conditions. Continued advice and support is offered to participants who have found work.
Lee/2/3 - Positive Progressions
This project will run in York, Craven, Selby and Harrogate to help families at risk of social isolation to increase their resilience, reduce reliance on support services and become job ready. The project will focus on deprived neighbourhoods and rurally isolated villages across Selby, Craven, Harrogate and York. 130 of the most disadvantaged individuals and families in the community will receive mentoring and support around health, finances and skills to, to increase skills, confidence and resilience, help them get job ready, and improve mental well-being.
Lee/2/4 - Connecting Opportunities
Connecting Opportunities works with new migrants to develop their skills and opportunities to find work and be part of the local community. Ten organisations that specialise in working with migrants are offering tailored support, cultural orientation, English language classes and other training. The project will also create new local connections, with opportunities for local people to be volunteer mentors and befrienders, and for employers to provide work placements to help people get a foothold in the job market.