Mayor’s Community Weekend - London

The Mayor’s Community Weekend comes to London again in 2025. It’s happening on the weekend of Friday 12 September to Sunday 14 September 2025.

This is a chance for the communities of London to come together and celebrate our city. We’re working with the Mayor of London to offer funding to help you do this.

We open to applications at 10am on Wednesday 9 April.

Your community group can apply for between £500 and £2,000 to run events or activities. We’ll fund street parties, picnics, cultural events, litter picks and more.

Your group must have a constitution to apply.

We’ll only fund activities that happen:

  • in Greater London - including the City of London and the 32 London boroughs
  • between Friday 12 September and Sunday 14 September 2025.

We can fund activities that do one or more of the following:

  • Give people the chance to get involved in their local community. And to make a positive difference.
  • Help people feel safer in their local area. And increase their sense of belonging and trust.
  • Improve people’s relationships and connections in their local community.
  • Help people to use or improve their local environment and green spaces.
  • Help young Londoners to thrive. By giving them the chance to come up with and run activities to celebrate their local community.

You should only apply if you’ll do at least one of these. Doing more than one will usually improve your chances of getting funding.

See more examples in the activities we fund.

Suitable for
Voluntary or community groups
Funding size
Awards from £500 to £2,000
Total available
Application deadline

Midday, Wednesday 30 April 2025.


We only have a certain amount of funding to award

This means we have to make some difficult decisions. And there are often lots of good applications we cannot fund.

We want to fund a mix of groups and communities across London. If we get more applications than we can fund we'll prioritise groups:

  • with smaller incomes
  • that have not had our funding before.

Apply here from 10am on Wednesday 9 April

A link to the online application form will show on this page then.

We’ll close to applications at midday on Wednesday 30 April 2025.

Before filling out the application form you should check who can apply.

If it's difficult or impossible for you to complete an application form

You can contact us if you have any communication support needs. Email us at We’re happy to talk about other ways for you to tell us about your idea.

What information you need to apply

You can see a full list of questions from the application form.

You need a bank account

The bank account must be in the name of your organisation. See more in the section below on how to send us your bank statement.

We ask for the contact details, home addresses and dates of birth of two different people from your organisation. We need a different email address for each person

One person should be someone we can talk to if we have any questions about your project. The other should be a senior member of your organisation. They’ll be legally responsible for the funding. Both need to live in the UK.

These two people cannot be related. Related can mean:

  • related by marriage
  • in a civil partnership with each other
  • in a long-term relationship with each other
  • related through a long term partner
  • living together at the same address
  • related by blood.

We ask for the legal name of your organisation. And its address. And what type of organisation it is

Check these details before applying. Also check any registration numbers if you have them – like a charity number or company number. It will slow down your application if these details are not right.

We ask for information about your organisation’s accounts

We want to know the date your accounts wrap up each year and how much income you have.

If you do not have yearly accounts because you’re a new organisation (less than 15 months old), that’s okay. We can still look at your application.

We ask you for information about what sort of activity you’d like to do

And how it will help and involve your community.

We ask you for the date your activity will take place

This must be over the weekend of Friday 12 September 2025 to Sunday 14 September 2025.

We also ask you to read and agree to our terms and conditions

You can read the terms and conditions.

Send us your bank statement

What we need

We ask for one bank statement dated within the last three months. So, we can check the account you want us to pay the funding into.

You need a bank account and bank statement that meet our requirements below.

We'll not be able to assess your application if you do not have these. And you’d need to apply again once you have these set up. If you’re not sure you should contact us to check if your bank account and statement are suitable. Email us at

We need:

  1. A bank account that meets our needs in our Financial Controls and Financial Governance Guidance
  2. A bank statement that meets our needs - like in this picture of the kind of bank statement we’re looking for.

Our bank statement needs

The bank statement (or bank welcome letter if the account was opened within the last 3 months) must be:

  • uploaded as one single file
  • a file of 12MB or less in size
  • a PDF, JPEG or PNG file.

It should show:

  • the bank logo
  • your organisation's legal name
  • the address the statements are sent to
  • your bank's name
  • the account number and sort code
  • the date the letter/statement was issued.

If all these details are on one page, just send us that page.

Here’s a picture of the kind of bank statement we’re looking for.

What else we would accept

Bank welcome letter

We can accept a bank welcome letter instead of a statement. But only if you opened the bank account within the last three months. The letter must confirm the date the account was opened and all the account details.

Transaction listings

If you’re unable to provide a bank statement, we can accept transaction listings. But they must include everything we’d expect to see on a bank statement:

  • the bank logo
  • your organisation’s legal name
  • the address your bank uses for correspondence
  • your bank’s name
  • the account number and sort code
  • date the transactions listing covers.

What happens after you apply

We'll let you know our decision within 6 to 8 weeks of the closing date. So you should know if we’re funding you by the end of June 2025.

In that time we’ll check you are eligible and assess your application. We may contact you before the closing date if your organisation is not eligible to apply.

Here are the main steps involved in reviewing and approving applications:

  1. You send us your application we'll get back to you with a decision in around 6 to 8 weeks from the closing date. During this time, we look at your application and do our eligibility checks. You can find out more about the checks we do. We might call you to talk a little more about your application. Or to ask for more information before we make a decision.
  2. If your application is successful – we'll send you an email with the good news. And we’ll aim to put the funding in your bank account within 14 days (or sooner, if possible).
  3. You can start spending the funding. You can start preparing and planning right away. But the activities we’re funding must happen between Friday 12 and Sunday 14 September 2025. You should spend the funding the way you said you would in your application (unless we’ve agreed to something different first). We might check in to see how things are going. Find out more about how to manage your funding.
  4. Share your story. We’ll be in touch with guidance on how and when you can start promoting your activity.

Find out how we use your personal data

We’re working with the Greater London Authority to give out this funding. If you apply we may share your information with them. They may use your information to publicise your event, send branded merchandise or arrange to visit your event.

For details read our data protection and privacy notice for the Mayor’s Community Weekend London.

Who can apply

Who can apply

Your group or organisation must be constituted to apply

This means you must have a governing document. It should set out the rules about how your organisation runs.

Your governing document could be called one of several things. This depends on what type of organisation you are. It might be called:

  • a constitution
  • a trust deed
  • your memorandum and articles of association
  • something else.

You can apply if your organisation is a:

  • constituted group or club
  • registered charity
  • charitable incorporated organisation (CIO)
  • not-for-profit company
  • community interest company (CIC)
  • statutory body (including local authorities, town, parish and community council)
  • community benefit society
  • faith-based group - like a church, mosque, temple or synagogue (as long as the project does not include religious content)
  • school.

School projects must benefit the wider community

Even though schools can be at the heart of a community, we'll only fund schools that also benefit the communities around them.

So we will not fund projects that mainly benefit or involve teachers, pupils, and parents of pupils. Or that take place in schools during teaching time.

You need at least 2 board or committee members who are not related

Related can mean:

  • related by marriage
  • in a civil partnership with each other
  • in a long-term relationship with each other
  • related through a long term partner
  • living together at the same address
  • related by blood.

All companies who apply must have at least two directors who are not related in any of these ways. This also applies to companies that are also registered as charities.

We only have a certain amount of funding to award

This means we have to make some difficult decisions. And there are often lots of good applications we cannot fund.

We want to fund a mix of groups and communities across London. If we get more applications than we can fund we'll prioritise groups:

  • with smaller incomes
  • that have not had our funding before.

Who cannot apply

Who we cannot accept applications from:

  • groups that do not have a constitution
  • individuals
  • sole traders
  • organisations based outside the UK
  • one organisation applying on behalf of another
  • companies that can pay profits to directors, shareholders or members. Including Companies Limited by Shares.
The activities we fund

We want to fund activities that bring the people and communities of London together and celebrate our city.

Activities we can fund

We’ll only fund activities in Greater London

This includes the City of London and the 32 London boroughs. If you are not sure, check this list of London boroughs.

We’ll only fund activities taking place on the Mayor’s Community Weekend 2025

Your event or activities must happen on one or more of the following dates:

  • Friday 12 September 2025
  • Saturday 13 September 2025
  • Sunday 14 September 2025.

So make sure you think about a back-up plan. For example, if your activities are outside and the weather is bad. Because we cannot fund your activities if you reschedule them for after these dates.

We can fund activities that do one or more of the following:

  • Give people the chance to get involved in their local community. And to make a positive difference.
  • Help people feel safer in their local area. And increase their sense of belonging and trust.
  • Improve people’s relationships and connections in their local community
  • Help people to use or improve their local environment and green spaces
  • Help young Londoners to thrive. By giving them the chance to come up with and run activities to celebrate their local community.

You should only apply if you’ll do at least one of these. Doing more than one will usually improve your chances of getting funding. Tell us about which of these you’ll do when you apply.

Examples of activities we could fund

Events could include:

  • community gatherings like picnics, street parties and barbecues. That bring different groups of people together to celebrate and get to know each other.
  • inclusive indoor activities such as community fun days and community lunches
  • cultural events and community celebrations
  • environmental activities such as planting, green space clear-ups and litter picks
  • young people organising activities to get to know people of other ages.

If you’ll be working with children, young people or vulnerable adults

You need to have a policy in place that explains how they’ll be safe. If you get funding you’ll need to follow our expectations on safeguarding children and adults at risk.

The NCVO website has child safeguarding advice and information services.

What you can spend the money on

You can apply for between £500 and £2,000.

You can only spend this on activities or events that happen:

  • in Greater London - including the City of London and the 32 London boroughs
  • between Friday 12 September and Sunday 14 September 2025.

What we can fund

We can fund the costs of setting up and running activities, including:

  • staffing
  • insurance
  • transport
  • equipment hire
  • venue hire
  • volunteer expenses.

You must keep evidence of how you spent the money

Like receipts, paid invoices or itemised card statements. We may ask to see these after you spend the funding.

We cannot fund

  • activities that happen outside Greater London
  • events that do not take place between Friday 12 September and Sunday 14 September 2025
  • alcohol
  • religious activities. (We can fund religious organisations. But their project must benefit the wider community and cannot include religious content.)
  • fundraising activities (where you use our funding to raise more money)
  • general organisational running costs, including repairs and maintenance
  • contingency costs, loans, endowments or interest
  • VAT you can reclaim
  • statutory activities. By this we mean things that the government should provide. Like teaching in schools or healthcare.