Nearly £10 million National Lottery funding to strengthen communities in Northern Ireland
Helping people make connections in their community and supporting families are at the forefront of £9,939,220 of funding announced today by The National Lottery Community Fund.
Projects being supported include activity to improve mental health by reducing isolation, supporting those with physical health conditions or disabilities and helping children and young people get the best start in life.
Across Northern Ireland, Rosie’s Trust is using a £383,143 grant to improve the health and well-being of people who are facing ill-health or older age, by helping them care for their pets.

Josephine Mallon, Acting Chair, Rosie’s Trust said: “We know people delay or even refuse medical treatment because they have no one to look after their pet. This National Lottery grant allows us to make a life changing difference, at a time when people need emotional support the most.”
Sandra is currently receiving treatment for cancer, and during this time Rosie’s Trust are helping her care for her dog, Chanel Angel.
Sandra said: “Chanel Angel is my best friend and I’d be absolutely lost without her. Knowing that she’ll be there for me when I get home from my treatment, wagging her tail delighted to see me, gives me such strength.
“Without Rosie’s Trust, I’m not sure how we’d manage. It is so reassuring to know that a friendly face will be visiting me each day.”
The announcement comes in the same month as The National Lottery Community Fund unveiled its new strategy ‘It starts with community,’ which outlines its funding priorities from now to 2030.
In Coleraine, Harpurs Hill Children and Family Centre has been awarded a £219,082 grant to support parents of children aged 4-7 years old.

Sharon Lyons, Project Manager, Harpurs Hill Children and Family Centre said: “We are delighted to receive this grant to build parents’ skills and confidence to support their children’s development and make connections in their community.
“Research and experience show how important the early years are, and parents tell us that our project has truly changed their family life, helping families spend time together improving mental health and behaviour. Thanks to National Lottery players, we can now change even more lives.”
Over 300 grants ranging from £600 to over £500,000 are going to every Council area across NI. For more information see table of all grants awarded in June 2023.
Paul Sweeney, NI Chair of The National Lottery Community Fund said: “We fund projects that matter to communities, and I’m delighted to see such a wide range of groups awarded, each making such a difference across Northern Ireland.
“We want to get behind communities and help them make the difference on the ground. Our existing grant programmes remain open, so if we can be of assistance, please contact us.
“These funded projects demonstrate how positive change ‘starts with community’, which is at the heart of our new strategy. We look forward to talking to those who receive or need funding as we develop our future programmes.”
Thanks to National Lottery players, during the last financial year, The National Lottery Community Fund awarded 663 new grants totalling £27.9 million to support local communities in NI.
For more information on National Lottery funding visit
National Lottery grants awarded 20 June 2023
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- Northern Ireland

National Lottery Awards for All Northern Ireland
A quick way to apply for smaller amounts of funding between £300 and £20,000.
Empowering Young People
A larger amount of funding (between £20,001 and £500,000) for projects that work with young people (between the ages of 8 and 25) to face and overcome challenges.