ariannwyd 5 o brosiectau gan Gronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol (cyfanswm o £36,331 wedi'i ddyfarnu)

Celebrating the past, inspiring our future

£9,201 on 29 Medi, 2016

Rhaglen grant

Let's Get Active!

£8,794 on 8 Awst, 2013

Rhaglen grant
Awards for All

Firm Foundations

£8,336 on 12 Awst, 2010

Rhaglen grant
Awards for All

Unlocking the potential

£7,567 on 13 Hydref, 2006

Rhaglen grant
Awards for All

refurbish community office

£2,433 on 24 Mawrth, 2005

Rhaglen grant
Awards for All