ariannwyd 10 o brosiectau gan Gronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol (cyfanswm o £821,769 wedi'i ddyfarnu)

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£9,510 on 14 Mehefin, 2016

Rhaglen grant
Awards for All Scotland

Moving Forward

£287,585 on 9 Rhagfyr, 2009

Rhaglen grant
Investing in Communities

Be The Best I Can Be

£198,915 on 15 Ebrill, 2009

Rhaglen grant
Investing in Communities

There is no project name available for this record

£10,000 on 18 Mehefin, 2008

Rhaglen grant
Awards for All

Youth Diversion & Drop-in Project

£59,938 on 30 Hydref, 2007

Rhaglen grant
Transfers of grants

Youth Diversion & Drop-in project

£87,116 on 30 Awst, 2005

Rhaglen grant