ariannwyd 7 o brosiectau gan Gronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol (cyfanswm o £603,038 wedi'i ddyfarnu)

The Whiteinch Centre

£118,000 on 14 Rhagfyr, 2018

Rhaglen grant
Medium Grants Scotland

Digital Inclusion @ Whiteinch

£6,650 on 6 Hydref, 2015

Rhaglen grant
Awards for All Scotland

Go for Gold with Whiteinch

£8,700 on 3 Ebrill, 2014

Rhaglen grant

Sustainable Whiteinch

£297,817 on 19 Mehefin, 2013

Rhaglen grant
Investing in Communities

Whiteinch Centre

£159,546 on 15 Ebrill, 2009

Rhaglen grant
Growing Community Assets