Pob rhaglen


2014 Communities Archived Wedi’i archifo

2014 Communities offers grants of between £300 and £2,000 to encourage more people to take part in physical activity.


Active Futures Archived Wedi’i archifo

Active Futures will fund anything that gets young people active


Becoming a Survivor Archived Wedi’i archifo

£8 million investment in Scotland to support people affected by domestic abuse and survivors of domestic abuse

Better By Design Archived Wedi’i archifo

Supporting organisations to redesign the way they work

Better Off Archived Wedi’i archifo

Developing new rehabilitation projects for people affected by drug misuse


Cancer Care Scotland Archived Wedi’i archifo

Funding for projects that assist and support people living with cancer

Celebrate Archived Wedi’i archifo

Celebrating 2014 Commonwealth Games through arts, sports and community celebrations

Communities and Families Fund Archived Wedi’i archifo

Supporting projects that help families and communities give children the best start in life

Community Action

Funding for communities in Scotland. We're looking for projects that will help people connect more with each other. We'll support projects that are open, inclusive and led by their community.

Community Assets

Grants from £10,000 to £1 million to create strong and resilient communities through assets.

Community Led

Funding to support community-led activity and wellbeing.

Community Spaces Scotland Archived Wedi’i archifo

Community Spaces Scotland supports communities to become more involved in and to take responsibility for communal spaces and places

Cost of Living Support Scotland

Grants from £20,001 to £75,000 to help support individuals, families and communities currently experiencing hardship as a result of the cost of living increases.


Delivering Financial Inclusion Archived Wedi’i archifo

We’re matching funds from the European Social Fund, one of the European Structural Fund's programmes, for services across Scotland to tackle poverty and promote social inclusion.



Fairer Life Chances

Funding for projects that support children, young people and families. Or that help people to be healthier and have better access to support.


GM04 Archived Wedi’i archifo


Improving Lives

Grants from £20,001 to £200,000 to help people facing challenging circumstances

Investing in Ideas Archived Wedi’i archifo

£500 to £10,000 for organisations to think about, develop and test new ideas or make improvements that will benefit those most in need


JESSICA (Scotland) Trust Archived Wedi’i archifo

A new £15 million investment in Scotland to help disadvantaged urban communities most affected by serious disadvantage to become stronger through their own efforts



Our Place

Helping communities in Scotland come together to find and develop ways in which they can make a difference.


Palliative Care Scotland Archived Wedi’i archifo

Providing palliative care and support for children and adults with cancer


Scottish Land Fund

Supporting urban and rural communities to become more resilient and sustainable through the ownership and management of land and land assets.

Strengthening Organisations

Funding for organisations in Scotland that we currently fund. We'll support organisations to try new ways of working or improve their current work.

Support and Connect Archived Wedi’i archifo

Grants of between £10,000 and £350,000 to improve local support for people experiencing hardship.