Pob rhaglen
Active England Wedi’i archifo
Encouraging creative approaches to increase physical activity and sports participation
Advice Plus Wedi’i archifo
Funding to provide legal advice and support to those most in need
Advice Services Fund Wedi’i archifo
Government funding for free advice services for people in England
Advice Services Transition Fund Wedi’i archifo
Helping the not-for-profit advice sector
BASIS Wedi’i archifo
Funding support for voluntary and community organisations to help them become more effective
BIG Local Wedi’i archifo
Helping people make their communities better places to live in, now and in the future
Big Society Investment Fund Wedi’i archifo
Channelling investments from dormant accounts
Building Better Opportunities

The Building Better Opportunities Programme is now closed. The Programme was funded by The National Lottery Community Fund, with matched funding from the European Social Fund for projects across England that tackled poverty and promoted social inclusion.
Building Connections Fund
Following the Prime Minister's wider endorsement of the Jo Cox Commission recommendations on Loneliness in January 2018, the £11.5 million Building Connections Fund has been set up to support projects that are able to prevent or reduce loneliness.
Building Neighbourhood Nurseries Wedi’i archifo
Paving the way for the creation of new childcare places by investing in much needed buildings
Cancer Equipment Wedi’i archifo
Funding to help hospitals improve their cancer treatment facilities
Cardiac Rehabilitation Wedi’i archifo
Celebrate England Wedi’i archifo
Changing Futures
Changing Spaces: Community Sustainable Energy Programme Wedi’i archifo
£200 million of investment in environmental projects across England to improve communities and lives
Children’s Play Wedi’i archifo
BIG’s Children’s Play Initiative
Commissioning Better Outcomes and Social Outcomes Fund Wedi’i archifo
The National Lottery Community Fund working with the Cabinet Office to support the development of more innovative approaches to improving social outcomes
Communities Living Sustainably Wedi’i archifo
Supporting communities in England to live and work in a more sustainable way
Community Buildings Wedi’i archifo
Community Libraries Wedi’i archifo
Community Power
Community Wildlife Wedi’i archifo
Let communities explore and celebrate their local wildlife
COVID-19 Community-led Organisations Recovery Scheme
COVID-19 funding over £10,000 for partnerships – including Coronavirus Community Support Fund
COVID-19 funding over £10,000 for partnerships – including Coronavirus Community Support Fund
COVID-19 funding over £10,000 – including Coronavirus Community Support Fund
COVID-19 funding under £10,000 – including Coronavirus Community Support Fund
Early Action Neighbourhood Fund
The Early Action Neighbourhood Fund (EANF) was a pilot joint funding initiative between Comic Relief, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, The National Lottery Community Fund, The Legal Education Foundation, and Barrow Cadbury Trust.
England Living with Cancer Wedi’i archifo
Reducing the inequalities in provision of and access to cancer services in England
Family Learning Wedi’i archifo
Helping parents understand how their children learn and encouraging families to learn together
Five a day Local Communities initiatives Wedi’i archifo
Promoting the consumption of fruit and vegetables in England
Football Foundation Wedi’i archifo
Supporting capital projects for schools and the community
Grant Holder Support
Heart Failure Support Networks Wedi’i archifo
Help through Crisis
Help Through Crisis is a £33 million programme supporting 69 partnerships across England which help people who are experiencing or at risk of hardship crisis to overcome the difficulties they are facing to plan for their futures.
Improving Financial Confidence Wedi’i archifo
Helping people become more confident in and more aware of how to take control of their finances
Local Connections Fund - Round 1
Local Connections Fund - Round 2
Local Papers Wedi’i archifo
Local Sustainability Fund Wedi’i archifo
Mayor’s Community Weekend - London
Mayor’s Community Weekend - West Midlands
Million Hours
myplace Wedi’i archifo
A multimillion programme across England to deliver world class youth centres
National Defribillator Programme Wedi’i archifo
National Lottery Awards for All England
National Lottery COVID-19 Fund – over £10,000
National Lottery COVID-19 Fund – over £10,000 for partnerships
National Lottery COVID-19 Fund – up to £10,000
Next Steps Wedi’i archifo
Our vision for funding in England
Palliative Care for Adults Wedi’i archifo
Palliative Care for Children Wedi’i archifo
Parks for People
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Place Based Social Action
Place Based Social Action (PBSA) is a joint £4.5m programme between the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and The National Lottery Community Fund (the Fund)
Playful Ideas Wedi’i archifo
Power to Change
Power to Change is an independent charitable trust, established in 2015 with a £150 million endowment from The National Lottery Community Fund.
Reaching Communities Buildings Wedi’i archifo
Funding land and buildings projects that help people and communities most in need
Reaching Communities England
Safeguarding Training Fund - Phase 2
The Safeguarding Training Fund is a jointly funded programme developed by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) and The National Lottery Community Fund (The Fund). It will provide £1.14M of funding over two phases until March 2022 to improve access to safeguarding/safe culture support materials.
School Fruit Pilots Wedi’i archifo
Social Incubator Fund Wedi’i archifo
Spaces for Sport and Arts Wedi’i archifo
The Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund
The Healthy Communities Together programme
The Silver Dreams Fund Wedi’i archifo
Pioneering ways to help vulnerable older people deal more effectively with life-changing events
Transforming Local Infrastructure Wedi’i archifo
Funding partnerships of local infrastructure organisations to support front line civil society organisations
Transforming Waste England Wedi’i archifo
Supporting community recycling, reuse and composting projects
Transition Fund Wedi’i archifo
Making funding available to help Civil Society Organisations (CSO) to adapt to, and manage, the transition to a different funding environment
Well-being Wedi’i archifo
Supporting the development of healthier lifestyles and to improve well-being
Women and girls initiative
You Decide
Young People's Fund 2: Local Grants Wedi’i archifo
Supporting projects across England where young people lead from start to finish