All programmes



We’re marking The National Lottery’s 25th birthday by bringing people together. We’re offering people and communities with great ideas the chance to receive a grant between £100 and £1,000.

#iwill Fund

The #iwill Fund will enable more young people to take part in social action through high quality opportunities which create lifelong habits.

2014 Communities Archived Archived

2014 Communities offers grants of between £300 and £2,000 to encourage more people to take part in physical activity.


Access to resilience

We want network or support organisations to improve access to the help they provide to small, underrepresented community groups in Northern Ireland.

Active England Archived Archived

Encouraging creative approaches to increase physical activity and sports participation

Active Futures Archived Archived

Active Futures will fund anything that gets young people active

AdvantAGE Archived Archived

Improving the quality of life of older people by providing access to befriending or advocacy services

Advice Plus Archived Archived

Funding to provide legal advice and support to those most in need

Advice Services Fund Archived Archived

Government funding for free advice services for people in England

Awards from the UK Portfolio

The UK Portfolio explores new and innovative approaches, and develops and tests new ways of building a stronger civil society.


BASIS Archived Archived

Funding support for voluntary and community organisations to help them become more effective

Becoming a Survivor Archived Archived

£8 million investment in Scotland to support people affected by domestic abuse and survivors of domestic abuse

Better By Design Archived Archived

Supporting organisations to redesign the way they work

Better Off Archived Archived

Developing new rehabilitation projects for people affected by drug misuse

BIG Innovation Archived Archived

Supporting new projects that test new ways of tackling emerging and existing social problems

BIG Local Archived Archived

Helping people make their communities better places to live in, now and in the future

Blaenau Gwent Grant Programme

This programme is now closed. It offered smaller grants available to people in Blaenau Gwent with a good idea, for people who have not had a grant from us before and who want to do something for their community in Blaenau Gwent.

Bright New Futures Archived Archived

Building the emotional resilience of young parents and young disabled people so that they can manage key transitions in their lives

Bringing People Together

This funding is for projects that build stronger connections across communities. We're looking for ideas that strengthen these connections by exploring and developing the conditions needed to build better and longer-lasting ways of bringing people together.

Building Better Opportunities

Logo - European Union - European Social Fund

The Building Better Opportunities Programme is now closed. The Programme was funded by The National Lottery Community Fund, with matched funding from the European Social Fund for projects across England that tackled poverty and promoted social inclusion.

Building Change Trust Archived Archived

A £10 million investment helping to develop and shape Northern Ireland’s community and voluntary sector

Building Communities Archived Archived

A new £15m Trust working with disadvantaged communities in Wales

Building Connections Fund

Following the Prime Minister's wider endorsement of the Jo Cox Commission recommendations on Loneliness in January 2018, the £11.5 million Building Connections Fund has been set up to support projects that are able to prevent or reduce loneliness.


Cancer Care Scotland Archived Archived

Funding for projects that assist and support people living with cancer

Cancer Care Wales Archived Archived

Funding for projects that assist and support people living with cancer

Cancer Equipment Archived Archived

Funding to help hospitals improve their cancer treatment facilities

Celebrate Archived Archived

Celebrating 2014 Commonwealth Games through arts, sports and community celebrations

Changing Futures

Changing Futures is helping the public sector and local communities work together in new ways, to change people’s lives for the better.

Climate action - other funders

If you're unsuccessful with our funding, or the Climate Action Fund is not right for you, you may want to consider other funders.

Contact individual organisations for what opportunities they currently have, their eligibility criteria and whether or not they accept unsolicited applications.

Climate Action Fund - Energy and Climate

This funding aims to help communities across the UK to address climate change. We’re looking for projects that focus on community-driven energy projects that can deliver benefits to climate, environment and society. Strengthening the health and wellbeing of people and communities across the UK.

Climate Action Fund - Nature and Climate

This funding aims to help communities across the UK to address climate change. We’re looking for projects that focus on the link between nature and climate. We want to fund projects that use nature to encourage more community-led climate action.

Climate Action Fund - round 1

The Climate Action Fund is a ten-year £100 million fund supporting communities across the UK to take action on climate change.

Community Action

Funding for communities in Scotland. We're looking for projects that will help people connect more with each other. We'll support projects that are open, inclusive and led by their community.

Community Asset Transfer Archived Archived

Enabling communities to have more control and influence over their future development

Community Assets

Grants from £10,000 to £1 million to create strong and resilient communities through assets.

Community Led

Funding to support community-led activity and wellbeing.

Community Power

We’re looking for 10 to 15 partners to work with us in the development stage of our Community Power fund.

Community Spaces Scotland Archived Archived

Community Spaces Scotland supports communities to become more involved in and to take responsibility for communal spaces and places

Community Wildlife Archived Archived

Let communities explore and celebrate their local wildlife

Cost of Living Support Scotland

Grants from £20,001 to £75,000 to help support individuals, families and communities currently experiencing hardship as a result of the cost of living increases.

Create your Space Archived Archived

Create Your Space enables communities to improve their local natural environment. We want communities to decide how to conserve and / or improve their local natural environment in a way that makes a real difference for them and meets the needs of future generations.


Delivering Financial Inclusion Archived Archived

We’re matching funds from the European Social Fund, one of the European Structural Fund's programmes, for services across Scotland to tackle poverty and promote social inclusion.

Digital Fund

The first round of Digital Fund funding has now closed. Under Strands 1 and 2, we awarded £12.1m to 29 organisations and £500,000 for a support contract to work with them. There is £2.4m remaining of the £15m allocated to the Digital Fund, as announced in 2018. We are currently doing some discovery work to determine the needs of micro organisations across the UK, and whether these needs are primarily digital. We will use this work to inform how we support these groups in 2020. Alongside this, we are scoping how the remaining funds can have the most impact and we hope to launch a small number of small, strategic funds in 2020. For regular updates on the Digital Fund, please follow the team’s Medium blog.

Digitisation Archived Archived

Providing funding to make learning materials available, free of charge, on the Internet

Dormant Accounts NI

Dormant Accounts Fund NI supports the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector in Northern Ireland to be more resilient and prepared for the future by funding activity that increases capacity and sustainability.


Early Action Neighbourhood Fund

The Early Action Neighbourhood Fund (EANF) was a pilot joint funding initiative between Comic Relief, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, The National Lottery Community Fund, The Legal Education Foundation, and Barrow Cadbury Trust.

Empowering Young People

A larger amount of funding (between £20,001 and £500,000) for projects that work with young people (between the ages of 8 and 25) to face and overcome challenges.


Fair Share Trust Archived Archived

Parts of the UK missed out on Lottery funding. Fair Share has been helping to change that

Fairer Life Chances

Funding for projects that support children, young people and families. Or that help people to be healthier and have better access to support.

Family Learning Archived Archived

Helping parents understand how their children learn and encouraging families to learn together

Forces in Mind

Supporting the psychological wellbeing and successful and sustainable transition of veterans and their families into civilian life.


Getting Ahead Archived Archived

Encouraging young people aged 16–18 years into work placements to enhance their employability

GM04 Archived Archived

Grab a Grant Archived Archived

The National Lottery Community Fund has teamed up with the North Wales Chronicle and the North Wales Pioneer to award up to £25,000 worth of grants to community groups

Grant Holder Support

We're looking for a partner to help increase the knowledge, skills and resilience of civil society organisations

Great Ideas Archived Archived

Great Ideas is designed to support great ideas that don’t necessarily involve people at every stage but if implemented would contribute to putting people in the lead.

Growing Great Ideas

Our Growing Great Ideas programme has a focus on supporting transformational and long-term change.


Help through Crisis

Help Through Crisis is a £33 million programme supporting 69 partnerships across England which help people who are experiencing or at risk of hardship crisis to overcome the difficulties they are facing to plan for their futures.

Helping End Homelessness - Rural

Grants of up to £1.5 million to redesign and improve services for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in rural Wales.

Helping Working Families

Helping Working Families funds projects that improve the lives of working families who are in poverty.

Heroes Return Archived Archived

Providing Lottery funding to help World War II veterans take part in commemorative visits


Impact of Alcohol Archived Archived

Investing £10 million in Northern Ireland to address the harm caused by alcohol misuse

Improving Lives

Grants from £20,001 to £200,000 to help people facing challenging circumstances

In Good Hands Archived Archived

The National Lottery Community Fund is to invest £4.74 million in a programme that aims to improve the life chances of looked after children in Wales.

Investing in Ideas Archived Archived

£500 to £10,000 for organisations to think about, develop and test new ideas or make improvements that will benefit those most in need


JESSICA (Scotland) Trust Archived Archived

A new £15 million investment in Scotland to help disadvantaged urban communities most affected by serious disadvantage to become stronger through their own efforts



Leaders with Lived Experience 2020

Supporting organisations set up or run by people with first-hand experience of a social issue, who are trying to create positive change for communities and people who share those experiences.

Leaders with Lived Experience Pilot Programme

This programme is now closed.

Leaders with Lived Experience is a pilot programme providing National Lottery grants of between £20,000 and £50,000 to support lived experience leadership. A lived experience leader is someone who uses their first-hand experience of a social issue to create positive change for, and with, communities and people they share those experiences with. At this stage we expect to award between 15-20 grants.